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369 results

  • Greece-Italy CCR – Amendment of the Day-Ahead Fallback Procedures (CACM Art. 44) - (incl. shadow allocation rules)

    This consultation concerns the Greece-Italy CCR Fallback Procedures in accordance with Article 44 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 (CACM). In cooperation with all other TSOs across Europe, Greece-Italy TSOs plan to amend the Regional Shadow Allocation Rules for the Greece-Italy CCR in order to support the planned SDAC Market Coupling daily process optimization, including envisaged changes of operational timings of the single day-ahead coupling (SDAC) that inter... More
    Closed 20 February 2022
  • Italy North CCR – Amendment of the Day-Ahead Fallback Procedures (CACM Art. 44) - (incl. shadow allocation rules)

    This consultation concerns the Italy North CCR Fallback Procedures in accordance with Article 44 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 (CACM). In cooperation with all other TSOs across Europe, Italy North TSOs plan to amend the Regional Shadow Allocation Rules for the Italy North CCR in order to support the planned SDAC Market Coupling daily process optimization, including envisaged changes of operational timings of the single day-ahead coupling (SDAC) that inter alia... More
    Closed 20 February 2022
  • SEE CCR: Second amendment of the Day-Ahead Fallback Procedures (CACM Art. 44) - (incl. Shadow Allocation Rules)

    This consultation concerns the SEE CCR Fallback Procedures (2nd Amendment) in accordance with Article 44 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management. In cooperation with all other TSOs across Europe, SEE TSOs (IPTO, ESO EAD and Transelectrica) plan to amend the Fallback Procedures (incl. Shadow Allocation Rules) in order to support the planned SDAC Market Coupling daily process optimization, including... More
    Closed 24 February 2022
  • SWE CCR – Second amendment of the Day-Ahead Fallback Procedures (CACM Art.44) – (incl. shadow allocation rules)

    This consultation concerns the SWE CCR Fallback Procedures in accordance with Article 44 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 (CACM). In cooperation with all other TSOs across Europe, SWE TSOs plan to amend the Regional Shadow Allocation Rules for the SWE CCR in order to support the planned SDAC Market Coupling daily process optimisation, including envisaged changes of operational timings of the single day-ahead coupling (SDAC) that inter alia result... More
    Closed 1 March 2022
  • All RR TSOs’ consultation on 2nd RRIF amendment

    The TSOs performing the reserve replacement process ('RR TSOs') are launching a public consultation from 4 th February to 4 th March 2022 on their proposed amendment of the implementation framework for a European platform for the exchange of balancing energy from replacement reserves ('RRIF’). The consultation includes the RR TSOs' proposal for an amended RRIF and the Explanatory document providing the rationale to the proposed changes. More
    Closed 4 March 2022
  • ENTSO-E Proposal for a Methodology for the Optimisation of Inter-TSO Settlements related to redispatching and countertrading

    This consultation concerns the methodology for the optimisation of inter-transmission system operators (TSOs) settlements related to redispatching and countertrading in accordance with Article 37(1)(l) and (5) of Regulation (EU) 2019/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the internal market for electricity (“Electricity Regulation“). Article 37(1)(l) of the Electricity Regulation lists a task for the Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs) to... More
    Closed 1 April 2022
  • Nordic TSOs' proposal on FRR dimensioning

    This consultation concerns the amended proposal of all Nordic TSOs for the Nordic LFC block methodology for FRR dimensioning in accordance with Article 157(1) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity transmission system operation (SO Regulation). The Nordic Balancing Model (NBM) and the connection to the European platforms MARI and PICASSO are the triggers for the proposed amendments to the methodology.... More
    Closed 1 April 2022
  • CORE CCR - Proposal for the 2nd amendment of the Intraday Flow-based Capacity Calculation Methodology

    This consultation concerns the Core CCR TSOs’ proposal for the second amendment of the Intraday Capacity Calculation Methodology of the Core Capacity Calculation Region in accordance with article 20ff. of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24th July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management. More
    Closed 4 April 2022
  • Baltic TSOs amendment proposal for regional design of long- term transmission rights in accordance (FCA GL Article 31)

    This consultation concerns an amendment proposal developed by Baltic TSOs for Baltic Capacity Calculation Region’s regional design of long- term transmission rights in accordance with Article 31 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1719 of 26 September 2016 establishing a guideline on forward capacity allocation to facilitate the long-term transmission rights on the FI-EE - bidding zone border. In case of any question regarding this consultation please contact Airi Noor (... More
    Closed 13 May 2022
  • Baltic TSOs proposal for regional specific annex to the harmonised allocation rules for long-term transmission rights (FCA GL Article 52)

    This consultation concerns an proposal developed by Baltic TSOs for Baltic Capacity Calculation Region’s regional specific annex to the harmonised allocation rules for long-term transmission rights in accordance with Article 52 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1719 of 26 September 2016 establishing a guideline on forward capacity allocation to facilitate the long-term transmission rights (LTTRs) on the FI-EE - bidding zone border. In case of any question regarding this... More
    Closed 13 May 2022
  • 2nd amendment proposal to the methodology for the market-based allocation process of cross-zonal capacity for the exchange of balancing capacity for the Nordic CCR

    This consultation concerns the 2nd amendment proposal to the determination of the forecasted market value of cross-zonal capacity for the exchange of energy in single day-ahead coupling – especially mark-up methodology – for the Nordic CCR in accordance with Article 6(4) of ACER decision No 22/2020 of 5 August 2020. The proposal has been prepared by the Nordic TSOs being Energinet, Fingrid Oyj, Svenska kraftnät and Statnett SF. More
    Closed 20 May 2022
  • Nordic TSO's proposal on FCR dimensioning

    This consultation concerns the Amended Nordic synchronous area methodology for the dimensioning rules for FCR in accordance with Article 153 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity transmission system operation (SO Regulation). The common proposal of the Nordic TSOs can be found below under the section Related Documents. A related common proposal of the Nordic TSOs has been developed to implement updates to... More
    Closed 6 June 2022
  • Nordic TSO's proposal on FCR Additional Properties

    This consultation concerns the Amended Nordic Synchronous Area Methodology for Additional Properties of FCR in Accordance with Article 154(2) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity transmission system operation (SO Regulation). For several years, the Nordic TSOs have been developing new technical requirements for Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal Operation (FCR-N) and Frequency Containment Reserve... More
    Closed 6 June 2022
  • Have your say on the ENTSO-E's Annual Report 2021

    ENTSO-E's Annual Report 2021 describes our activities from January 2021 to December 2021. It focuses on the legal mandates given to ENTSO-E. While ENTSO-E and TSOs are still implementing the Third Package, 2021 also saw the implementation of several legal mandates stemming from the Clean Energy Package (CEP): e. g. the go-live of the Common Grid Model (CGM), the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding with the EU Distribution System Operators Entity (DSO), etc. The ENTSO-E... More
    Closed 13 June 2022
  • Consultation on the ENTSO-E Annual Work Programme 2023

    ENTSO-E publishes every year an Annual Work Programme as required under REGULATION (EU) 2019/943 on the internal market for electricity. The priorities outlined in the Work Programme 2023 reflect the legal mandates given to ENTSO-E by REGULATION (EU) 2019/943 on the internal market for electricity and related Network Codes and Guidelines, REGULATION (EU) 2019/941 on risk-preparedness in the electricity sector, REGULATION (EU) No 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy... More
    Closed 15 August 2022
  • CORE CCR - Proposal for 1st amendment of the Methodology for splitting long-term cross-zonal capacity in accordance with Article 16 of FCA Regulation

    This consultation concerns the regional TSOs’ proposal for the 1st amendment of Methodology for splitting long-term cross-zonal capacity in accordance with Article 16 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1719 of 26 September 2016 establishing a guideline on forward capacity allocation. Core TSOs have to make adjustment on the currently effective Core Long Term Splitting Rules in order to be in line with Core Long Term Flow-based Capacity Calculation approach decide by ACER (Decision... More
    Closed 21 August 2022
  • Nordic TSOs’ proposals for establishment of common and harmonised rules and processes for the exchange and procurement of mFRR balancing capacity

    This consultation concerns the Energinet, Fingrid, Statnett and Svenska kraftnät’s proposal for the establishment of common and harmonised rules and processes for the exchange and procurement of mFRR balacing capacity in accordance with Article 33(1); the proposal for an exemption to the obligation to allow transfer of mFRR balancing capacity in accordance with Article 34(1); and the amendment to the methodology on the application of the Nordic CCR market-based allocation process of... More
    Closed 22 August 2022
  • Consultation of the Cross-zonal Capacity Allocation Harmonised Methodology and Explanatory Document pursuant to the Art. 38(3) of EB Regulation

    Pursuant to EB Regulation Art. 38(3), by five years after entry into force of the EB Regulation, All TSOs shall develop a proposal to harmonise the methodology for the allocation process of cross-zonal capacity for the exchange of balancing capacity or sharing of reserves per timeframe pursuant to Article 40 and, where relevant, pursuant to Articles 41 and 42. In June 2023, the methodology of EB Regulation Art. 38(3) is expected to be approved by ACER, replacing all current market-based... More
    Closed 29 August 2022
  • Italy North TSOs' proposal on the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology

    This consultation concerns the regional TSO proposal for the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology, in accordance with Article 37 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing. This proposal covers the Capacity Calculation Methodology for the Balancing Timeframe for the Italy North Capacity Calculation Region. More
    Closed 2 September 2022
  • Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey 2022

    ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, is the association for the cooperation of the European transmission system operators (TSOs). The 39 member TSOs representing 35 countries are responsible for the secure and coordinated operation of Europe’s electricity system, the largest interconnected electrical grid in the world. In addition to its core, historical role in technical cooperation, ENTSO-E is also the common voice of TSOs. ENTSO-E brings... More
    Closed 5 September 2022
  • Give your feedback on TYNDP 2022

    ENTSO-E’s 10-year network development plan (TYNDP) is the pan-European electricity infrastructure development plan. It looks at the future power system in its entirety and at how power links and storage can be used to make the energy transition happen in a cost-effective and secure way. The TYNDP 2022 has been developed with the expertise of 39 European TSOs. With this consultation, ENTSO-E asks for feedback on: - the TYNDP 2022 high-level report - the Project sheets... More
    Closed 16 September 2022
  • CCR Hansa TSOs’ proposal on the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology

    This consultation concerns the regional TSO proposal for the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology, in accordance with Article 37 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing. This proposal covers the Capacity Calculation Methodology for the Balancing Timeframe for the Hansa Capacity Calculation Region. More
    Closed 1 October 2022
  • Core TSOs’ proposal on the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology

    This consultation concerns the regional TSO proposal for the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology, in accordance with Article 37 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing. This proposal covers the Capacity Calculation Methodology for the Balancing Timeframe for the Core Capacity Calculation Region. More
    Closed 5 October 2022
  • All TSOs’ proposal for amendments of the methodology for calculating scheduled exchanges in accordance with Article 41 of the CACM

    The methodology for Day-Ahead Scheduled Exchanges Calculation (DA SEC) is developed pursuant to art. 43 of Commision Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 . Due to 15 min MTU the scheduled exchange calculation methodology needs amending. DA SEC deals with three forms of market flows. Flows between bidding zones, flows between scheduling areas and flows between NEMO trading hubs. The amendment proposal for Day-ahead Scheduled exchanges Calculation presented here allows for changes to... More
    Closed 21 October 2022
  • Baltic CCR proposal to EBGL Article 41 methodology

    This consultation concerns the regional TSO proposal for a market-based methodology of cross-zonal capacity allocation for the exchange of balancing capacity or sharing of reserves, in accordance with Article 41 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing. This proposal covers the Baltic Capacity Calculation Region.This consultation concerns the regional TSO proposal for a market-based methodology of cross-zonal capacity... More
    Closed 23 October 2022
  • Baltic CCR TSOs’ proposal on the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology

    This consultation concerns the regional TSO proposal for the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology, in accordance with Article 37 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing. This proposal covers the Capacity Calculation Methodology for the Balancing Timeframe for the Baltic Capacity Calculation Region. More
    Closed 1 November 2022
  • CCR Nordic TSOs’ proposal on the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology

    This consultation concerns the regional TSO proposal for the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology, in accordance with Article 37 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing. This proposal covers the Capacity Calculation Methodology for the Balancing Timeframe for the Nordic Capacity Calculation Region. More
    Closed 7 November 2022
  • Bidding Zone Study - Questionnaire on Transition Costs

    In accordance with the ACER decision 29/2020 of 24 November 2020 on the methodology and as-sumptions that are to be used in the Bidding Zone Review process and for the alternative bidding zone configurations to be considered (BZR Methodology), Transmission System Operators ("TSOs") of all Bidding Zone Review Regions shall jointly perform a study in order to estimate transition costs occurring from a bidding zone reconfiguration. TSOs are therefore now launching a questionnaire on transition... More
    Closed 14 November 2022
  • South-West Europe TSOs methodology for cross-zonal capacity calculation within the balancing timeframe

    This consultation concerns the regional TSO proposal for a common methodology within the South West Europe Capacity Calculation Region on the common capacity calculation performed for the capacity allocation within the balancing timeframe. This methodology is developed in accordance with Article 37 of Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing (hereafter referred to as the “EB Regulation”). More
    Closed 17 November 2022
  • GRIT TSOs' proposal on the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology

    This consultation concerns the regional TSO proposal for the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology, in accordance with Article 37 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing. This proposal covers the Capacity Calculation Methodology for the Balancing Timeframe for the Greece-Italy Capacity Calculation Region. More
    Closed 18 November 2022
369 results. Page 10 of 13