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369 results

  • Consultation on version 2 of ENTSO-E Conformity Assessment Scheme for CGMES

    In 2015, ENTSO-E started the update of the conformity assessment scheme of the Common Grid model Exchange Standard (CGMES). This update was necessary in view of the CGMES being used in the implementation of the European network codes and guidelines on capacity allocation and congestion management and system operation. The update includes additional tests and procedures before software applications can be validated as being conform for use by ENTSO-E or a transmission system operator... More
    Closed 15 January 2016
  • Capacity Calculation Regions

    This consultation concerns a common proposal developed by all Transmission System Operators regarding the determination of capacity calculation regions in accordance with Article 15 of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM). More
    Closed 24 September 2015
  • Have your say on the Annual Work Programme 2016

    ENTSO-E’s draft 7th Annual Work Programme for the period September 2015 to December 2016, is focusing in particular on our vision in response to the EC’s “Energy Union” initiative. At times of monumental changes in the European energy system, the Association recognises the need to deliver in two directions: with ENTSO-E priority contributions to electricity system and market; and adapting our Association to even better meet expectations of all Stakeholders and our Members. In... More
    Closed 24 September 2015
  • Have your say on the Regional Investment Plans 2015

    As part of the TYNDP 2016 package ENTSO-E prepared six Regional Investment Plans covering all Europe. These reports are looking at power system development issues from a regional perspective accounting for their particularities and closely coordinated at European level. The following six reports are put forward for consultation: 1. Regional Investment Plan North Sea 2. Regional Investment Plan Baltic Sea 3. Regional Investment Plan Continental Central East 4. ... More
    Closed 10 September 2015
  • Have your say to the TYNDP 2016 candidate projects

    The transmission and storage project promoters (ENTSO-E and non-ENTSO-E members) have submitted during April 2015 a number of candidate projects for inclusion in the TYNDP 2016. The submission process followed the EC guidelines for inclusion of projects in the TYNDP. Before starting the Cost Benefit Assessment of the TYNDP 2016 projects ENTSO-E invites all the interested stakeholders to express their views on the TYNDP 2016 candidate projects and the related reference capacities that... More
    Closed 10 September 2015
  • Coordination of technical cooperation between Community and third-country TSOs

    The Third Energy Package tasked ENTSO-E with providing “Recommendations relating to the coordination of technical cooperation between Community and third-country transmission system operators”. These recommendations mainly focus on transmission system operators (TSOs) which are not members of ENTSO-E, as the technical cooperation between ENTSO-E members is already well developed. The recommendation suggested by ENTSO-E and presented to stakeholders views in this consultation will not... More
    Closed 31 July 2015
  • ENTSO-E consults the stakeholders on the TYNDP 2016 scenarios development report

    Between 21 May to 22 June (inclusive) ENTSO-E runs the public consultation on the TYNDP 2016 scenarios development report . This public consultation is the third step of formal interraction with the stakeholders in order to build the TYNDP 2016 scenarios. This report incorporates 5 scenarios which will be further used by ENTSO-E to assess, accoring to the CBA methodology, all the pan-European significant projects of the TYNDP 2016. These scenarios reflect one best estimate 2020 future... More
    Closed 22 June 2015
  • Electricity Balancing Network Code: Methodology for Cost Benefit Analysis

    ENTSO-E welcomes stakeholders’ comments on a draft report describing the General Methodology for the Cost Benefit Analysis and on a draft scoping paper for a specific methodology for the Imbalance Settlement Period Harmonisation. The public consultation runs from 23 February until 31 March. The draft Network Code on Electricity Balancing (NC EB) requires a cost benefit analysis (CBA) to be undertaken in support of decisions relating to the European Integration Model, the Application of... More
    Closed 31 March 2015
  • Harmonised Allocation Rules for forward capacity allocation

    ENTSO-E has issued a draft of the Harmonised Allocation Rules (HAR) for public consultation. The HAR will apply for forward capacity allocation, subject to relevant approval from national regulators, and for allocated long term transmission rights which delivery date is 1 st of January 2016 or later. The draft HAR is the result of an ongoing early implementation project of the Network Code on Forward Capacity Allocation. In order to deliver this project, a stakeholder advisory group was... More
    Closed 31 March 2015
369 results. Page 13 of 13