“FCR cooperation” potential market design evolutions

Closed 10 Feb 2017

Opened 9 Jan 2017



This consultation is performed by the TSOs cooperating in the international procurement of FCR. Filling in the questionnaire will take about 15 to 20 minutes of your time.

Many consultation questions are referring to explanations and examples described in the consultation document, therefore it is necessary to read this document, it can be downloaded via the link at the bottom of the page under "related".

In case you have questions on the working of the actual consultation tool please contact market@entsoe

In case you have questions in relation to the consultation itself please contact your connecting TSO via the following links:

50 Hertz, kontakt@regelleistung.net

Amprion, kontakt@regelleistung.net

APG, frontoffice.sdl@apg.at

ELIA, usersgroup@elia.be

Energinet.dk, info@energinet.dk

RTE, marketservices@rte-france.com

Swissgrid, sdl-ausschreibung@swissgrid.ch

TenneT Netherlands, pcr@tennet.eu

TenneT Germany, kontakt@regelleistung.net

TransnetBW, kontakt@regelleistung.net

Why your views matter


With the ongoing changes in the technology mix, e.g. increased share of renewable, demand side response, and storage technologies, TSOs and NRAs decided to assess the current status of the cooperation and study the possible market design evolutions. The assessment aims at clarifying if the current market design is sufficient or if changes are justified. When considering changes to the market design, the TSO’s objectives are facilitation of participation of all technologies including new entrants, increased competition, European integration of balancing markets, and increase of social welfare, level playing field to the extent possible. The objectives must be met under consideration of secure grid operation and security of supply.


What happens next

The process of this consultation is based on a close cooperation between all the TSOs and NRAs of the involved countries.

TSOs conducted a joint workshop in October 2016 where approximately 50 participants attended. The objective of this workshop was to present to perimeter of the consultation to the stakeholders and gather initial feeback. These valuable feedbacks have been integrated in the present consultation document.

After the public consultation, TSOs will make a joint implementation roadmap proposal to the NRAs, based on the received comments. NRAs will then jointly assess TSOs proposal. Due to approval and implementation time, the earliest market design changes are expected in 2018, but could also occur later in case of important implementation effort for TSOs & stakeholders.

The timeline for 2017 is indicative, regarding the timing of joint NRA approval. TSOs plan to submit the proposal for implementation to NRAs by May 15th, 2017.


  • ENTSO-E stakeholders
  • Electricity balancing actors


  • Capacity Balancing
  • General