Proposal for Amendments to the Cross-Zonal Capacity Allocation Harmonised Methodology and Explanatory Document pursuant to the Art. 38(3) of EB Regulation

Closed 23 May 2024

Opened 22 Mar 2024


Proposal for Amendment of Methodology to Harmonise the Allocation Processes of Cross-Zonal Capacity for the exchange of balancing capacity or sharing of reserves per timeframe (HCZCAM) in accordance with Article 38(3) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing. The proposal has been prepared by All TSOs.

Why your views matter

All TSOs are seeking input from stakeholders and market on the Proposal for Amendment of HCZCAM pursuant to EB Regulation Art. 38(3) and in accordance with ACER decision 11-2023 of 19 July 2023 and have prepared the Explanatory Document accordingly.  As the proposal is subject to consultation in accordance with Article 10(2) of EB Regulation, the All TSOs are initiating this open online consultation for a period of two months. The stakeholder webinar will take place on Thursday, 11 April at 13:00 – 14:30. Registration link is available below on this page.

What happens next

On the basis of the consultation responses submitted during this public consultation, the amended Cross-zonal Capacity Allocation Harmonised Methodology and Explanatory Document pursuant to the Art. 38(3) of EB Regulation will be further amended. Amended version of the documents, once reviewed and approved by All TSOs, will be submitted to ACER by 31 July 2024.


  • Webinar - Proposal for Amendments to the HCZCAM and Explanatory Document

    From 11 Apr 2023 at 13:00 to 11 Apr 2023 at 14:30

    The Stakeholder Webinar "Proposal for Amendments to the HCZCAM and Explanatory Document" will take place on 11 April at 13:00-14:30 PM. Please register using this link:


  • Anyone from any background


  • Market Network Codes