All TSOs’ proposal on methodologies for pricing balancing energy and cross-zonal capacity used for the exchange of balancing energy or operating the imbalance netting process pursuant to Article 30(1) and Article 30(3)

Closed 13 Nov 2018

Opened 12 Sep 2018


This consultation concerns a common proposal developed by all Transmission System Operators ("TSOs") regarding a proposal for a methodology to determine prices for the balancing energy in accordance with Articles 30(1) and 30(3) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing ("EBGL Regulation").

Why your views matter

To fulfil the EBGL requirements, and even more importantly, to get the input from stakeholders and market participants on this important feature of the future European balancing electricity market, ENTSO-E and the TSOs that are part-taken in the four balancing platforms hold this open on-line consultation. The proposal for a methodology to determine prices for the balancing energy and cross-zonal capacity used for exchange of balancing energy or for operating the imbalance netting process shall be subject to consultation in accordance with Article 10(3) of EBGL.

What happens next

ENTSO-E and all TSOs will assess all the comments received and use them to prepare the final version of the document that will be submitted to All NRAs. TSOs have to submit the common proposal to All NRAs until 18 December 2018.


  • Generators
  • RES generator
  • ENTSO-E stakeholders
  • Electricity balancing actors


  • Market Network Codes