Regional Investment Plans and System Needs Analysis 2040
Results updated 13 Aug 2018
- IoSN and RgIP Consultation Responses.xlsx, 1.3 MB (Office Excel 2007 XML workbook)
As part of the TYNDP 2018 package ENTSO-E prepared six Regional Investment Plans covering all Europe. These reports are looking at power system development issues from a regional perspective accounting for their particularities and closely coordinated at European level.
The European Power System 2040 report is a new report which takes a holistic view on the Pan-European investment needs.
The Consultation documents can be found HERE

Why your views matter
The Regional Investment Plans and Power Systems 2040 report, aim to identify future investment needs and interconnection targets.
This year we have added a series of 1 pagers for the first time. The reports give a comprehensive review of Europe and it's regions, and is therefore important for us to get feedback on whether we have made the right balance, in terms of information, between the 1 pagers and full reports.
ENTSO-E is looking forward to hearing the stakeholders opinion on these key findings.
What happens next
Once the consultation is over we will take the comments into account and, where possible, update our package with the consultation responses.
Communication on the publication of the final Regional Investment Plans and European Power System 2040 report will be communicated shortly after.
In the meantime we would like to thank you for your responses.
European Power System 2040 & RgIP Webinar
From 22 Feb 2018 at 14:00 to 22 Feb 2018 at 16:00This web-conference aims to present the high level messages of the 6 Regional Investment Plans. It also aims to outline the Methodology and High level results of the Identification of System Needs process, which was documented in the European Power System 2040 document.
Please register using the link below
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