Nordic TSOs' proposal on ramping restrictions

Closed 22 Feb 2021

Opened 21 Jan 2021


This consultation concerns the amended proposal of all Nordic TSOs for ramping restrictions for active power output in accordance with Article 137(3) and (4) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity transmission system operation (SO Regulation).

The connection of the new HVDC interconnectors NordLink (in 2020) and North Sea Link (NSL) (in 2021) are the trigger for the proposed amendments to the methodology. The amendment to the proposal include ramping restrictions on these new HVDC interconnectors, introduce a combined ramping restriction for bidding zone NO2, remove the existing sum restriction on the Skagerrak and Konti-Skan HVDC interconnectors. Furthermore, the TSOs propose additional flexibility to increase the ramping rate on individual HVDC interconnectors covered by the combined restriction or decrease the ramping rate on HVDC interconnectors in certain critical cases.

The common proposal of the Nordic TSOs can be found below under the Related Documents.

Why your views matter

The proposal is subject to public consultation according to article 11 of SO Regulation.

What happens next

The TSOs of the Nordic synchronous area shall duly take into account the views of stakeholders resulting from the consultation and use them to prepare the final version of the document that will be submitted to the Nordic NRAs.

In all cases, a sound justification for including or not the views resulting from the consultation shall be provided together with the submission of the proposal and published in a timely manner before, or simultaneously with the publication of the amended proposal on ramping restrictions.


  • Webinar on updated ramping restrictions for the Nordic synchronous area

    From 28 Jan 2021 at 14:00 to 28 Jan 2021 at 16:00

    Please be invited to a webinar on updated ramping restrictions for the Nordic synchronous area. The purpose of this webinar is to explain the rationale behind ramping restrictions and why we propose to do some changes now. In addition we will present our more long term perspective on these restrictions.
    Registration to the webinar by email to Anders Moe (


  • ENTSO-E stakeholders
  • Electricity balancing actors


  • Market Network Codes
  • System Operations Code