Consultation on the Common Grid Model Methodology and the Generation and Load Data Provision Methodology

Closed 4 Mar 2016

Opened 4 Feb 2016


ENTSO-E is developing methodologies for a common European grid model and the provision of data on generation and load. The development of both methodologies is required to implement the first adopted Network Code: the Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM) Regulation.

Grid operators use computer models of their network to simulate its behaviour in order to make decisions. Results of these simulations are notably used to decide on the list of actions transmission system operators (TSOs) need to take to maintain the reliability of the grid at the least cost and impact possible for customers and stakeholders (distribution grids, generators, traders, etc.).

Up to now, each TSO has been using its own grid model. As networks become more interconnected and as European electricity markets are getting more and more integrated, there is a need to develop a common grid model. It will ease the cooperation between TSOs and will result in an even more secure and cost efficient European grid. The EU has recognised the benefits that this common grid model will bring and has thus made it a legal requirement in CACM that methodologies for the common grid model and generation and load data provision are developed by all TSOs and submitted for approval to the competent regulatory authorities.

Why your views matter

ENTSO-E will facilitate a one month public consultation on the methodologies from 04 February until 04 March 2016 in order to obtain stakeholders' views.

Stakeholders' comments are of great value to ENTSO-E and all stakeholders are invited to provide feedback by filling in the comment template and sending it back to the dedicated email address before the deadline of 04 March: cgmm-gldpm.consultation _AT_

Along with the consultation, we provide a serie of guidance documents, which explain how the consultation documents relate to the different articles of the network codes:


A workshop was organised on 18 February. The presentations are available here.

All comments received will be acknowledged within two business days of receipt. Following the one month public consultation, comments and feedback will be considered by all TSOs. A clear and robust justification for including or not the views resulting from the consultation shall be developed and published on or before the submission of the proposed methodologies. The proposal for methodologies shall be submitted to the competent regulatory authorities for approval on or before 14 June 2016.



What happens next

All comments received will be acknowledged within two business days of receipt. Following the one month public consultation, comments and feedback will be considered by all TSOs. A clear and robust justification for including or not the views resulting from the consultation shall be developed and published on or before the submission of the proposed methodologies. The proposal for methodologies shall be submitted to the competent regulatory authorities for approval on or before 14 June 2016.


  • Public workshop on 18 February 2016

    From 18 Feb 2016 at 10:00 to 18 Feb 2016 at 16:00

    On Thursday 18 February, half-way through the public consultation, ENTSO-E will organise a public workshop at ENTSO-E premises where the Methodologies will be presented and there will be an opportunity to ask questions directly and discuss with members of the drafting team. The workshop will start at 10:00h and end at 16:00h. Interested parties are invited to register before 12 February via the following webpage:


  • ENTSO-E stakeholders


  • General