Public Consultation on Flexibility Needs Assessment Methodology

Closed 6 Dec 2024

Opened 8 Nov 2024


In accordance with Article 19e of the (EU) 2019/943 which entered into force with the (EU) 2024/1724, Electricity Market Design Reform (EMDR), DSO Entity and ENTSO-E have been entrusted to define the data type, the data format, and the methodology for the analysis of the flexibility needs (Flexibility Needs Assessment Methodology or FNA methodology) that each electricity distribution system operators (DSOs) transmission system operators (TSOs) will provide their national regulatory authority or designated authority or entity. 

DSO Entity and ENTSO-E established a joint task force to carry out their legal mandate by the 17 of April 2025, while engaging with key stakeholders. This public consultation allows all interested parties to submit their opinions on the FNA methodology draft, further ensuring transparency. 

The draft for consultation, supporting material, and a printable version of consulation questions (only for circulation) can be accessed through these links: draft, supporting document, consultation questions

The draft methodology under consultation was presented during a public webinar on November 15th 2024. The recording of this webinar and the presentation slides can be accessed here: recording, slides.   

Please note that only responses received via this tool within the public consultation period will be considered. 

Next Steps

Soon after the end of the consultation period, the DSO Entity and ENTSO-E will consolidate the eligible feedback and address it. Relevant and pragmatic feedback may be incorporated in the methodology. 


The associated draft of FNA Methodology is a preliminary version for the purpose of public consultation, not for approval. This is an intermediate step as both Associations are committed to consult at an earlier stage. Therefore, the document will be subject to changes both on technical and legal content. The respondents are kindly invited to provide feedback on the technical content. 

For more information, please contact: Samy Geronymos, Innovation Senior Specialist, ENTSO-E or Mehtap Alper, Senior Coordinator Expert Group Distributed Flexibility, DSO Entity. 


  • ENTSO-E & EU DSO Entity Webinar on the public consultation of the EMDR National Flexibility Needs Methodology draft

    From 15 Nov 2024 at 12:00 to 15 Nov 2024 at 13:00

    During this public webinar, the ENTSO-E and the EU DSO Entity will discuss the main contents of Flexibility Needs Assessment (FNA) methodology draft which is under public consultation.


  • Anyone from any background


  • General