ENTSO-E Connection Network Codes Implementation Guidance Documents_HVDC related topics

Closed 4 May 2018

Opened 26 Mar 2018


Europe currently has three connection network codes: Requirements for generators (RfG), Demand Connection (DCC) and High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC). RfG has entered into force on 17 May 2016, the DCC on 7 September 2016 and the HVDC on 28 September 2016.

The Member States have the obligation to implement these codes no later than three years after their entry into force. Within this timeframe the relevant system operators or TSOs have 2 years to define and submit the national specifications, for the so-called non-exhaustive requirements, for approval by the competent entity. 

In order to support the implementation at national level and also in line with the legal requirements of these network codes, ENTSO-E has drafted and when necessary improved non-binding implementation guidance documents (IGDs), three of which are currently put forward for consultation.

The guidance documents are primarily addressed to the transmission system operators and other system operators concerning the elements of the codes requiring national decisions. They shall explain the technical issues, conditions and interdependencies which need to be considered when complying with the requirements of these Regulations at national level.

The current IGD consultation is scheduled as follows:

26 March 2018 – 4 May 2018 – ENTSO-E publishes three (3) draft IGDs for consultation (please see below). The comments received will support the finalisation of the IGDs. 

More information can be read here.

A preview of all the questions in this consultation can be accessed here.

The IGDs under consultation are listed below and can be downloaded from the following link.

  1. Embedded HVDC systems - frequency schemes in case of system split
  2. HVDC systems default parameters 
  3. Interactions between HVDC systems and other connections

Why your views matter

ENTSO-E is consulting the IGDs for three main reasons:

  1. Although the main addressees of the IGDs are the system operators, the connection codes have a significant impact on manufacturers, power generating module operators, demand facilities and distribution networks.
  2. The IGDs are drafted as supporting material for the connection codes implementation at the member state level and shall aim to give guidance for national specifications for non-exhaustive requirements. 
  3. The IGDs are legally requested to be consulted with stakeholders before their release within the six month of the entry into force of the Regulations.

What happens next

After the end of the consultation period, ENTSO-E and the relevant drafting team will consolidate the comments and consider them for the improvement of the IGDs.

Reply to the consultation will be provided as soon as possible together with the final version of the IGDs.

The planned period for publication is mid May 2018


  • ENTSO-E stakeholders
  • TSOs


  • Connection Network Codes
  • General