Give your views on the draft Cost Benefit Analysis methodology 3.0

Closed 9 Dec 2019

Opened 25 Oct 2019


The Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) methodology serves to evaluate the benefits and costs of electricity transmission and storage projects from a pan-European perspective, in the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP). As such, it provides important input for the selection process of European Projects of Common Interest. The main objective of the CBA methodology is to provide a common and uniform basis for the assessment of projects with regard to their value for European society.

Why your views matter

The stakeholders' feedback received on previous versions of the CBA methodollogy and ENTSO-E's experience with the current 2nd ENTSO-E Guideline For Cost Benefit Analysis of Grid Development Projects (used to assess projects in the TYNDP 2018) has shown the need of improving the European project assessment methodology.

ENTSO-E has drafted a new CBA methodology (3rd CBA Guideline for cost benefit analysis of grid development projects) which is now put forward for consultation until 9 December 2019.
A number of elements were improved compared to the existing CBA. The main changes relate to:

  • Modular approach
  • Security of supply adequacy indicator
  • Variation in grid losses
  • Additional societal benefit due to CO2 variation
  • Non-direct greenhouse emissions
  • Security of supply system flexibility indicator
  • Project benefits based on promoters’ inputs
  • CAPEX and OPEX: more details on the required information

What happens next

After the consultation ENTSO-E will analyse the comments received and update the CBA 3.0 methodology. The report on comments is expected to be published by December 2019.

The updated CBA methodology will  be delivered afterwards to ACER for the Agency's official opinion and then to the EC and EU Member States for their comments and final approval.

The CBA methodology becomes final only after its publication in the Official Journal of the EU. According the official process, this may be expected in June 2020.


  • Public workshop: Presentation of 3rd CBA Guideline

    From 8 Nov 2019 at 09:00 to 8 Nov 2019 at 12:00

    This workshop is meant to present the draft version of the 3rd CBA Guideline as soon published for consultation. It targets CBA users and experts and looks for their expertise to comment on the draft CBA.
    More info at


  • ENTSO-E stakeholders
  • TSOs
