Options for the Design of European Electricity Markets in 2030
Results updated 18 Feb 2022
A collection of all non-confidential responses recieved via the consultation platform can be found in the excel file linked below.
At a dedicated Webinar held on 10 June 2021, ENTSO-E presented a summary of the main consultation outcomes and discussed them with stakeholders.
The webinar slides are available here below, as well as the link to the webinar video recording.
Based on the views expressed during the written consultation and the subsequent webinar, ENTSO-E has developed and published a Conclusions Paper: "ENTSO-E Conclusions from Stakeholder Engagement on 2030 Market Design", linked below.
- Stakeholders' Responses to the public consultations, 399.3 KB (Office Excel 2007 XML workbook)
- 10 June Webinar Slides, 5.1 MB (PDF document)
- ENTSO-E Conclusions Paper - Jan 2022, 3.0 MB (PDF document)
[Deadline extended to 19 May]
Following on the work on the Vision 2030, ENTSO-E has published its discussion paper “Options for the design of European Electricity Markets in 2030”. The paper presents the interim results of an analysis started in 2018 focusing on necessary improvements to the design of European electricity markets to facilitate the achievement of the 2030 climate objectives. A summary of this analysis was already presented during a ENTSO-E public webinar held on 12 October 2020 as part of the ENTSO-E Vision 2030 week.
It should be noted that the possible market design evolutions outlined in this paper are options that we have considered in our analysis and are not intended to represent ENTSO-E’s positions or TSOs’ views.
Why your views matter
Our objective is to trigger an open policy debate on a wide range of possible market design evolutions with all relevant European stakeholders. For this purpose ENTSO-E is launching a consultation on this discussion paper from 1 April to 14 May. The results will be discussed in a dedicated workshop on 10 June 2021.
We hope to receive written answers on all or most of the questions; however, readers and respondents should feel free to reply only to a subset of questions. General market design comments not particularly relevant to any of the specific sections of this discussion paper can also be submitted (see question 71).
2030 Market Design Webinar
From 10 Jun 2021 at 09:30 to 10 Jun 2021 at 12:30We plan to present to stakeholders the main results of the public consultation, focussing on the most commented topics, during a market design webinar 10 June 2021
- Generators
- RES generator
- ENTSO-E stakeholders
- Capacity Balancing
- General
- Market Network Codes
- Adequacy reports
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