Core TSOs informal survey on market participants hedging needs (Article 16(2)(a) FCA)

Closed 31 Dec 2018

Opened 28 Nov 2018


The Core TSOs shall according to Article 16 of regulation (EU) 2016/1719 (FCA) develop a methodology for splitting long-term cross-zonal capacity in a coordinated manner between different long-term time frames. This methodology has to comply with the following conditions as defined by Article 16(2) FCA:

  1. It shall meet the hedging needs of market participants
  2. It shall be coherent with the long-term capacity calculation methodology according to Article 10 FCA
  3. It shall not lead to restrictions in competition, in particular for access to long-term transmission rights

To ensure that the methodology will comply with condition a) above, Core TSOs seek for insights into the hedging needs and behavior of market participants. Core TSOs are aware that individual market participants’ hedging needs differ. However, we seek for insights into the general tendencies and trends with regards to hedging.

Therefore, Core TSOs would welcome your participation in this survey. Your answers will be used as input for the discussion of the splitting methodology proposal with NRAs or other decision-making bodies. This survey is run on a voluntarily basis by Core TSOs. Core TSOs will launch the public consultation as requested by Article 6 FCA at a later stage.


All answers (also partial ones) are highly welcomed. Many thanks in advance.


  • ENTSO-E stakeholders


  • Market Network Codes