Public consultation pursuant to Art. 12 of Commission Regulation (EU) 1222/2015 on Algorithm Methodology review, including algorithm change control and algorithm monitoring, plus SIDC requirements annex amendment for supporting ID auctions, plus SIDC product methodology

Closed 2 Jul 2019

Opened 3 Jun 2019

Results expected 1 Aug 2019


The Methodology concerning the price coupling algorithm and continuous trading matching algorithm (provided under art. 37.5 of CACM) was approved by ACER on 26 July 2018 through Decision 08/2018 and its annex pursuant to art 9.11 of CACM (hereinafter the “Decision”). This consultation proposes a number of amendments to that Decision. The main basis for the amendments are the integration of a change control and algorithm monitoring, as foreseen by the Decision, as well as the integration of requirements for intraday auctions including relevant amendments of the SIDC product methodology following ACER Decision 01/2019.

This is a joint consultation from all NEMOs and all TSOs. Information about this consultation, and relevant background documents, are also published on the All NEMO Committee website:

Note: In these documents, the following colour code applies:

  • New content since the version approved by ACER is reported highlighted in yellow;
  • Content deleted from the version in force approved by ACER is reported either: in red and strikethrough; or as comments in the margin in case it has been moved to other section;
  • Some deadlines are reported highlighted in green for easy tracking.

Why your views matter

Any amendment of CACM Terms, Conditions or Methodologies needs to be submitted for public consultation for at least one month (pursuant to art 12 of CACM) in order to take into account stakeholders’ views on this reviewed proposal.  


What happens next

During the month of July, the responses will be reviewed and in accordance with Article 12.3 of CACM GL duly considered in the process of finalising the proposal(s) to be published and submitted by the 1st of August for NRAs approval.  


  • ENTSO-E stakeholders


  • Market Network Codes