Welcome to the ENTSO-E consultation hub

ENTSO-E strongly values stakeholder contributions and feedback. To facilitate this exchange, ENTSO-E holds open, transparent on-line consultations at the early stages of the drafting process on major ENTSO-E work products that impact pan-European energy transmission. These include network codes, Ten-Year Network Development Plans (TYNDP), the annual work programme and various other reports and studies.

On this page, you can access details on current and past ENTSO-E consultations. Just click on any open consultation to submit your contribution. Once you have started the process, you can ask the system to send you an email containing a unique link that will let you return to edit and submit your response.

All details about consultations anterior to March 2015 are accessible on this page.

Planned Consultations for 2025

Download this file to review the planned consultations for 2025

Following the completion of consultations
The final versions of the all TSOs’ methodologies/ proposals consulted upon in the framework of the Network Codes will be published on the ENTSO-E website under the relevant network code section of NC implementation and the respective NC sub-page.

Open Consultations

Closed Consultations