Public consultation on TYNDP 2026 scope and stakeholders engagement plan
Scope of this public consultation
This public consultation covers the following studies that are part of the TYNDP 2026: the system needs study, including offshore network development plans per sea basin, and the cost-benefit analysis of projects. It also covers the stakeholder engagement plan for each study.
Not in the scope of this consultation are scenarios, which follow a separate consultation process and for which the stakeholder engagement plan was published in July 2024.
Document for consultation:
TYNDP 2026 scope of studies and stakeholders engagement plan
What happens next
After the consultation closes ENTSO-E will review the comments received and re-evaluate the planned scope of studies and engagement plan where relevant. A final version of the document for consultation will be published by the end of February 2025. Stakeholders’ answers to this public consultation will be made public in a Consultation Summary report, where will we give an overview of the feedback received and how it is considered.
- ENTSO-E stakeholders
- Scenarios
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