Give your feedback on TYNDP 2024
ENTSO-E’s 10-year network development plan (TYNDP) is the pan-European electricity infrastructure development plan. It looks at the future power system in its entirety and at how power links and storage can be used to make the energy transition happen in a cost-effective and secure way.
With this consultation, ENTSO-E asks for feedback on:
- the TYNDP 2024 Infrastructure Gaps Report: the reports introduces the reader to the TYNDP and presents the results of the power system needs study, which investigates where new solutions for electricity exchange are needed to reach decarbonisation targets in an economically-efficient system, in the 2030, 2040 and 2050 horizons.
- the Project sheets, showing how 211 electricity transmission and storage projects can contribute to the European energy transition;
- the Interactive data visualisation tool on system needs
- Methodologies:
Why your views matter
- The future is developed by all of us and there does not exist one clearly-defined path to reach it - developing suitable grid solutions that stand all possibilites is key;
- Planning and building the transmission infrastructure requires all of us - public acceptance impeds many European projects to realise on time;
- Present the information in a format and at a level that can be used not only by the experts but by all of us.
The TYNDP reports and project sheets presented are drafts for consultation. They will only be considered final after the comments received are assessed, and ACER has provided a formal opinion. All information, including on any individual project, must be considered preliminary and is subject to change in the final version.
- ENTSO-E stakeholders
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