Guidance for projects to apply to the TYNDP 2020

Closed 14 Jul 2019

Opened 17 Jun 2019


In September 2019, ENTSO-E will begin collecting applications from transmission and storage projects for the TYNDP 2020. Project promoters and interested stakeholders are invited to read and comment on the draft Guidance and raise any concern or question.

The draft Guidance now submitted to public consultation aims at informing transmission and storage projects promoters on:

* the procedure and timeline;

* the technical and administrative criteria their projects will be required to meet;

* the documents and information project promoters will be required to submit to fulfil these criteria;

* the use and circulation of the information submitted, and;

* other use of information regarding applications, including contact details.

ENTSO-E will review the Guidance based on the comments received and will publish the final version in early September 2019.


  • ENTSO-E stakeholders
  • TSOs
