Have your say on the Annual Work Programme 2016

Closed 24 Sep 2015

Opened 24 Aug 2015


ENTSO-E’s draft 7th Annual Work Programme for the period September 2015 to December 2016, is focusing in particular on our vision in response to the EC’s “Energy Union” initiative. At times of monumental changes in the European energy system, the Association recognises the need to deliver in two directions: with ENTSO-E priority contributions to electricity system and market; and adapting our Association to even better meet expectations of all Stakeholders and our Members. In designing our Annual Work Programme 2016, ENTSO-E’s intention is to respond effectively to the challenges and to any related initiative by the EC that may result from its Energy Union Communication, while maintaining the highest standards in delivering our legal mandate.

Our Annual Work Programme presents the state of play in all our legally mandated work products: network codes implementation, the TYNDP 2016; the enhancement of the Transparency Platform, Scenario Outlook and Adequacy Forecast reports and operational tools such as EAS and CGM. The work programme includes also new sections on strategy and resources, R&D, system development, system operations, market and other activities such as relations with TSOs from third party countries.

This draft programme takes into account ENTSO-E's legal mandates and also the work programmes of ACER and the Three-Year Plan of the Commission. It has been developed with Member TSOs to ensure the resources and strategic direction properly address the important challenges the energy system faces today. We hope for a good response and interesting input from stakeholders so we can finalise the program in the best interest of all customers and market participants.

Please send your comments by Thursday 24 September 2015 (17:00 CET).


Why your views matter

Stakeholders are crucial to the quality of ENTSO-Es workproduct. Their input and perspective will ensure high quality outcomes in the interest of transparency, of society at large. ENTSO-E is looking forward to your response on our draft of Annual Work Programme 2016.


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