Consultation on proposal for exact balancing capacity gate closure time for common Nordic aFRR capacity market

Closed 31 Dec 2020

Opened 18 Nov 2020


This consultation concerns exact balancing capacity gate closure time in accordance with Article 3 of ACER decision No 19/2020 of 5 August 2020 on the common and harmonised rules and processes for procurement and exchange of aFRR balancing capacity for the Nordic LFC Block. The proposal has been prepared by the TSOs of the Nordic LFC Block, being Energinet, Fingrid Oyj, Svenska kraftnät and Statnett SF.

Why your views matter

The Nordic TSOs are seeking input from stakeholders and market participants on the exact timing for balancing capacity gate closure. As the proposal is subject to consultation in accordance with Article 3 of ACER decision No 19/2020, the Nordic TSOs are initiating this open on-line consultation for a period of one and a half months.  

What happens next

The objective of the public consultation is to collect the stakeholders’ views on the exact balancing capacity gate closure. After the public consultation the Nordic TSOs will assess the comments received by the stakeholders and announce the balancing capacity gate closure time at least 4 weeks before taking effect.


  • Anyone from any background


  • Capacity Balancing