Nordic TSOs’ proposals for establishment of common and harmonised rules and processes for the exchange and procurement of mFRR balancing capacity

Closed 22 Aug 2022

Opened 29 Jun 2022


This consultation concerns the Energinet, Fingrid, Statnett and Svenska kraftnät’s proposal for the establishment of common and harmonised rules and processes for the exchange and procurement of mFRR balacing capacity in accordance with Article 33(1); the proposal for an exemption to the obligation to allow transfer of mFRR balancing capacity in accordance with Article 34(1); and the amendment to the methodology on the application of the Nordic CCR market-based allocation process of cross-zonal capacity for the exchange of balancing capacity in accordance with Article 38(1) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing (EB GL).  

In order to facilitate the consultation process, the TSOs have arranged a common Nordic Webinar. The webinar will be held on 11. August 2022 from 10:00-11:00 here: Link to webinar 11. August 2022.

Why your views matter

The Nordic TSOs’ intend to establish a common mFRR capacity market and have for that reason developed common rules and processes for the exchange and procurement of mFRR capacity, which are described in these proposals. The Nordic TSOs intend to allocate cross-zonal capacity in order to secure the exchange of mFRR capacity, which is also described in these proposals.

What happens next

Energinet, Fingrid, Statnett and Svenska kraftnät shall duty take into account the views of stakeholders resulting from the consultation and use them to prepare the final version of the documents that will be submitted to the concerned NRAs.

More information will be published on the NBM webpage and on the respective TSO webpages.

In all cases, a sound justification for including or not including the views resulting from the consultation shall be provided together with the submission of the proposals.


  • Anyone from any background


  • Capacity Balancing