Italy North TSOs methodology for Coordinated Redispatching and Countertrading

Closed 23 Mar 2018

Opened 23 Feb 2018


This consultation concerns the Italy North TSOs proposal for the methodology for Coordinated Redispatching and Countertrading in accordance with Article 35 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management.

Why your views matter

We are seeking input from stakeholders and market participants on this important feature of the future European electricity market.

The methodology for coordinated redispatching and countertrading as determined in this Proposal is the common proposal of all TSOs of the Italy North Region. Considering the structure of the grid, and in line with the capacity calculation methodology defined for the same Capacity Calculation Region, also the border Italy North – Switzerland is included in the scope of this methodology. The participating TSOs to the coordinated redispatching and countertrading are therefore Terna (Italy), RTE (France), APG (Austria), ELES (Slovenia) and Swissgrid (Switzerland).

The proposal shall be subject to consultation for a period of not less than one month,  in accordance with Article 12 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a Guideline on Capacity Calculation and Congestion Management (CACM).


  • ENTSO-E stakeholders


  • Market Network Codes