Survey on harmonisation of terms and conditions related to the aFRR, mFRR and IN Platforms

Closed 24 Jul 2023

Opened 15 May 2023


With this annual survey Transmission System Operators (TSOs) ask stakeholders for input/response to evaluate the terms and conditions for Balancing Service Providers (BSP’s) in order to identify possible harmonization needs in the European balancing market. It concerns the terms and conditions according to article 18 of Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing.

Why your views matter

All TSOs use the responses to this survey to draw up a short list of possible harmonization needs. Following the provisions of art. 16 of the Implementation Frameworks (aFRR, mFRR) All TSOs then identify possible harmonization options for each prioritized need on the short list. The next step is to consult the identified harmonization options with stakeholders for a period of two months. After evaluating the public consultation results All TSO will propose an amendment of the implementation framework of the relevant balancing platform.

With this first survey All TSOs expect only to gather some general feedback from the stakeholders, since not all TSOs are yet connected to the European platforms for the exchange of balancing energy. The responses will also be used to evaluate the survey itself.  
All TSOs agreed with the ACER and regulatory authorities that this first time the process will be partially completed up until the identification of possible harmonization options. After next year’s survey the full process will be followed leading to possible amendments of the implementation frameworks. 

What happens next

All TSOs will evaluate the feedback provided during public consultation and will take this into account in further harmonisation steps.

The survey will be organized every year according to ACER decision No 02/2020, decision No 03/2020 and decision No 13/2020 on the Implementation frameworks for the aFRR, mFRR and IN platforms.


  • ENTSO-E stakeholders


  • Market Network Codes