Proposal for Amendment of ramping restrictions for active power output for Danish-German-Luxembourgish LFC Block

Closes 29 Jul 2024

Opened 1 Jul 2024


This consultation concerns the Proposal for Amendment of TSOs of the Danish-German-Luxembourgish LFC Block (comprised of 50Hertz Transmission GmbH, Amprion GmbH, Creos Luxembourg S. A., Energinet Systemansvar A/S, TenneT TSO GmbH, and TransnetBW GmbH) concerning ramping restrictions for active power output in accordance with Article 137(3) and Article 137(4) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 establishing a guideline on electricity transmission system operation. The proposal has been prepared by the above TSOs.

Why your views matter

As the Nordic TSOs will introduce 15 minutes Market Time Unit in their market, the ramping regime for HVDC interconnectors towards Nordic TSOs has to be amended to follow the new market rules.

Give us your views


  • Anyone from any background


  • System Operations Code