All TSOs’ proposal for the day-ahead firmness deadline (DAFD)

Closed 18 May 2016

Opened 18 Apr 2016


This consultation concerns a common proposal developed by all Transmission System Operators  regarding the determination of single pan-European day-ahead firmness deadline (“DAFD”)  in accordance with Article 69 of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM).

Why your views matter

The TSOs responsible for submitting the common proposal regarding the determination of the capacity calculation regions have to consult stakeholders as defined in Article 12 of the CACM.

To fulfil this CACM requirement, and even more importantly, to get the input from stakeholders and market participants on this important feature of the future European electricity markets, ENTSO-E and the TSOs hold this open on-line consultation.

What happens next

ENTSO-E and all TSOs will assess all the comments received and use them to prepare the final version of the document that will be submitted to All NRAs. TSOs have until December 2016 to submit the common proposal to All NRAs.


  • Stakeholder webinar on the DAFD and IDCZGCT proposals

    From 9 May 2016 at 10:00 to 9 May 2016 at 17:00

    A webinar will be held to allow stakeholders to exchange views with ENTSO-E on the day-ahead firmness deadline (DAFD) and intraday cross-zonal gate closure time (IDCZGCT) proposals.

    To register, please click on the following link:

    Stakeholders are requested to register before 29 April.

    For further information please contact


  • ENTSO-E stakeholders


  • General