Have your say on the ENTSO-E's Annual Report 2023

Closed 10 Jul 2024

Opened 12 Jun 2024


This Annual Report covers the period from January 2023 to December 2023. It focuses on ENTSO-E’s important role in facilitating the energy transition and the implementation of the legal mandates given to ENTSO-E and on the Pan-European All TSOs tasks, which are facilitated by ENTSO-E.

The activities covered in this report were performed thanks to 39 TSO that were members of ENTSO-E in 2023, who provide funding and expertise to the Association. The successful implementation of these activities also relies on the input provided by stakeholders through the public consultation processes and various stakeholders groups.

The definition of a new Strategic Roadmap to guide the future work ENTSO-E and its member TSOs was a key deliverable of 2023. The roadmap provides a clear framework to address the challenges and ambitions of the European Power system between 2023 and 2025. The strategy is based on two interconnected pillars: the preparation of a European power system fit for the decarbonised economy of the future and the provision of secure and efficient power system in Europe. The priorities set in the strategic roadmap are aligned with ENTSO-E and TSOs legal mandates and propose a vision that will ensure that the organisation also contributes to the achievement of the net-zero energy targets set by the European Union.

Why your views matter

The successful implementation of the activities covered in this report relies on the input provided by stakeholders. Your comments will be considered before the Annual Report 2023 is submitted to ACER for opinion.


  • Anyone from any background


  • General