Amendments proposals to the methodology for coordinating operational security analysis

Closed 30 Jun 2023

Opened 31 May 2023


Article 75 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017 requires all TSOs to jointly develop a proposal for a methodology for coordinating operational security analysis. With this public consultation, TSOs would like to consult stakeholders on proposals of amendments to this methodology in accordance with Articles 7 and 11 of that Regulation.

Several amendment proposals are motivated by the recommendations of the Investigation Panel on the separation of Continental Europe on 8 January 2021 (final report available here). They introduce changes to the identification of TSOs observability area and external contingency list.

The other amendment proposal results from the corrigendum issued by ACER on 27 January 2023 to correct a wrong referencing in Article 42.1 (document available here). The initial deadline for the implementation of this article had to be revised according to the provisions of the correct referencing.

Furthermore, ENTSO-E took this opportunity to merge the ACER amendments of June 2021 into this version. These changes are also marked accordingly in the methodology document.


Why your views matter

In accordance with Article 11 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017, the responsible TSOs shall duly take into account the views of stakeholders resulting from the consultations prior to its submission for regulatory approval.

What happens next

Your comments will be reviewed by ENTSO-E before submitting a final proposal.


  • ENTSO-E stakeholders


  • System Operations Code